ATCC medium: 1340 MS medium for methanogens
中国微生物菌种查询网 / 2017-06-07 12:18:14

ATCC medium: 1340 MS medium for methanogens 

Mineral Solution #1 (see below).....................15.0 ml 

Mineral Solution #2 (see below).....................15.0 ml 

20% Yeast Extract - Trypticase Solution (see below)..4.0 ml 

20% Sodium formate...................................6.0 ml 

25% Sodium acetate...................................4.0 ml 

0.2% FeSO4 . 7H2O ....................................0.4 ml 

0.1% Resazurin.......................................0.4 ml 

Wolfe's Vitamin Solution (see below).................4.0 ml 

Wolfe's Mineral Solution (see below).................4.0 ml 

NaHCO3 ...............................................2.4 g 

Agar (if needed).....................................8.0 g 

Cysteine-Sulfide Reducing Agent (see below).........16.0 ml 

Distilled water....................................340.0 ml 

Bring to boil under 80% N2, 20% CO2. Wait until reduced. Stopper with butyl rubber. Dispense under same gas phase into anaerobic aluminum seal type culture tubes (Bellco #2048-18150). 

Adjust final pH to 7.0. Autoclave at 121C for 15 min. 

Mineral Solution #1: K2HPO4 ..............................6.0 g 

Distilled water.....................1.0 L 

Mineral Solution #2: KH2PO4 ..............................6.0 g 

(NH4)2SO4............................6.0 g 

NaCl................................12.0 g 

MgSO4 . 7H2O ........................2.6 g 

CaCl2 . 2H2O ........................0.16 g 

Distilled water.....................1.0 L 

20% Yeast Extract - Trypticase Solution: 

Yeast extract.......................20.0 g 

Trypticase Peptone (BD 211921)......20.0 g 

Distilled water to..................100.0 ml 

Cysteine-Sulfide Reducing Agent: N NaOH (4 g/100 ml).................................30.0 ml 

L-Cysteine . HCl.....................................5.0 g 

12.5% Na2S stock solution (freshly prepared) ........40.0 ml 

Distilled water....................................330.0 ml 

Add distilled water to 500 ml round-bottom flask. Add fresh NaOH; bring to boil under N2. 

Remove gassing probe, add cysteine (swirling to dissolve), then Na2S solution. 

Renew gassing for several minutes; seal with butyl rubber stoppers. Transfer to hood and dispense into 8.0 ml/18 mm Hungate tubes.

  • 上一篇:ATCC Medium: 2039 Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans Medium
  • 下一篇:ATCC medium: 1943 Fibrobacter medium