ATCC medium: 247 PPLO broth without CV (pH 7.8) with horse s
中国微生物菌种查询网 / 2017-09-29 08:13:10

ATCC medium: 247 PPLO broth without CV (pH 7.8) with horse serum (not inactivated) and yeast extract 
PPLO Broth w/o CV (Mycoplasma Broth) (BD 255420, pH 7.8)........ 21.0 g 
Horse Serum (not inactivated).................................. 200.0 ml 
Fresh Baker’s Yeast Extract (GIBCO 18180)...................... 100.0 ml 
Distilled water................................................ 700.0 ml 
Aseptically add the horse serum and GIBCO 18180 to a sterile basal medium containing PPLO broth and water.

  • 上一篇:ATCC medium: 2223 Anaerobic serine/arginine medium
  • 下一篇:ATCC medium: 2190 Fusibacter paucivorans medium