ATCC medium: 1367 Modified OTI medium
中国微生物菌种查询网 / 2017-10-09 11:49:02

ATCC medium: 1367 Modified OTI medium 
Polypeptone Peptone (BD 211910)..........5.0 g 
Heart infusion broth.....................5.0 g 
Yeast Extract (BD 212750)................5.0 g 
Pectin (Sigma P9135).....................0.8 g 
Glucose..................................0.8 g 
Starch...................................0.8 g 
Sucrose..................................0.8 g 
Maltose..................................0.8 g 
Sodium pyruvate..........................0.8 g 
Ribose...................................0.8 g 
K2HPO4 ...................................2.0 g 
NaCl.....................................5.0 g 
MgSO4 ....................................0.1 g 
L-Cysteine . HCl.........................0.68 g 
Clarified rumen fluid..................500.0 ml 
Agar.....................................1.6 g 
Distilled water........................500.0 ml 
Adjust pH to 7.0. Prepare medium under anaerobic conditions and tube in butyl rubber-stoppered tubes under oxygen-free nitrogen. Add inactivated sterile rabbit serum to give final concentration in each tube of 5%. 
Add filter-sterilized thiamine pyrophosphate to each tube to give a final concentration of 0.75 mg/100 ml. 
Subculture with a Pasteur pipette (20- 30 drops). Gas phase for culture system should be oxygen-free nitrogen or a mixture of 90% N2 and 10% CO2.

  • 上一篇:ATCC medium: 320 Hay infusion agar
  • 下一篇:ATCC medium: 1357 NOS Spirochete medium