ATCC Medium: 2882 Ferrovum myxofaciens Medium
中国微生物菌种查询网 / 2017-10-10 08:16:21

ATCC Medium: 2882 Ferrovum myxofaciens Medium 
*Basal salts concentrate (see below)……………………..20 ml 
*Trace elements solution (see below)…………………….1 ml 
DI Water……………………………………………………..1000 ml 
Adjust pH to 2.1 and autoclave at 121C. 
Filter sterilized ferrous sulfate solution (pH 2.0) is added to give a final ferrous iron concentration of 5mM. Basal salts concentrate 
MgSO4?7H2O……………………………………….25 g 
(NH4)2SO4…………………………………………..22.5 g 
Na2SO4?10H2O……………………………………..7.5 g 
KH2PO4……………………………………………..2.5 g
KCl…………………………………………………..2.5 g 
Ca(NO3)2·4H2O…………………………………….0.7 g 
DI Water…………………………………………….1000 ml 
Trace elements solution ZnSO4·7H20……………………………………….10 g 
CuSO4·5H2O………………………………………1 g 
MnSO4·4H2O………………………………………1 g 
Cr2(SO4)3·15H2O…………………………………..0.5 g 
H3BO3……………………………………………….0.6 g 
Na2MoO4·2H2O…………………………………….0.5 g 
NiSO4·6H2O………………………………………..1 g 
Na2SeO4·10H2O…………………………………..1 g 
Na2WO4?2H2O……………………………………..0.1 g 
NaVO3………………………………………………0.1 g 
DI Water……………………………………………1000 ml 
*Both of these can be supplied with the culture, if requested. Note that any general-purpose trace elements mixture will probably be appropriate.

  • 上一篇:ATCC medium: 1357 NOS Spirochete medium
  • 下一篇:ATCC medium: 842 PPLO Broth w/o CV with 20% horse serum (not