ATCC medium: 1334 TPL medium
中国微生物菌种查询网 / 2017-10-11 07:22:46

ATCC medium: 1334 TPL medium
Potato (see below)..................... 200.0 g 
Yeast extract........................... 30.0 g 
Liver (see below)....................... 25.0 g
Beef extract............................. 5.0 g 
Thioglycollate medium (dehydrated)...... 10.0 g 
Glucose.................................. 5.0 g 
Glycerol................................ 15.0 g 
Agar.................................... 15.0 g 
Distilled water to....................... 1.0 L 
Adjust to pH 7.0. Gently boil sliced potatoes in 500 ml of the water (or sliced liver in 150 ml of the water) for 30 minutes and remove solids by filtration through cloth. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.

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  • 下一篇:ATCC medium: 1150 Peptone-yeast medium with MgSO4