ATCC medium: 1484 Citrate-phosphate-buffered glucose medium
中国微生物菌种查询网 / 2017-11-16 09:38:02

ATCC medium: 1484 Citrate-phosphate-buffered glucose medium 

Solution A: 

(NH4)2SO4.....................3.0 g 

KCl..........................0.1 g

MgSO4 . 7H2O .................0.5 g 

Ca(NO3)2 . 4H2O...............0.02 g 

FeSO4 . 7H2O ................10.0 mg 

Citric acid (anhydrous)......1.92 g 

Na2HPO4 ......................1.23 g 

Distilled water............750.0 ml 

Solution B: 

Glucose.....................10.0 g 

Yeast extract................1.0 g 

Distilled water.............50.0 ml 

Solution C: 

Agarose (BRL)*...............6.0 g 

Distilled water............200.0 ml

*Bethesda Research Laboratories, Ultra Pure electrophoresis grade is most suitable. 

Autoclave Solutions A, B, and C separately. Cool to 55C. 

Add Solutions B and C to Solution A, mix well and dispense immediately. The final pH will be 3.5.

  • 上一篇:ATCC medium: 2217 Potato dextrose agar, half-strength
  • 下一篇:ATCC medium: 444 PYS Agar