中国微生物菌种查询网 / 2016-11-10 09:58:01

【编号】 0057

【名称】 支原体培养基

【成份】 Hanks 1% casein hydrolyzed liquid 400.0 ml

Serum(horse) 160.0 ml

Ox heart broth 240.0 ml

Yeast extract liquid 16.0 ml

1% Thallium acetate 8.0 ml

Penicillin 200000.0 U


(1) Ox heart broth: Immerse 1000g of minced heart into 1600ml water at 80℃ for 10 min.; Chill it to 45℃ and adjust pH8.2-8.5 with Na2CO3

then add pancreatic juice 33ml and chloroform 5-10ml; Digest it at 45℃ for 3 hours

and stir it half hour interval and adjust pH at same time; Adjust pH to 4-4.5 with HCl

boil for 30 min

filtrate with cloth; Adjust the filtrate pH to 7.8-8.0

boil for 30 min

and filtration by paper; Distribute the broth in to flask

autoclave at 8 bl for 20 min.

(2)Yeast extract liquid: Put braking yeast 500g into 1000ml of water

full mix and adjust ph to 5.0; Heat to 80℃ for 30 min; After filtration and distribution

autoclave at 8 bl for 30 min.

  • 上一篇:马丁氏肉汤配方
  • 下一篇:4%甘油培养基配方