ATCC medium: 1658 MMS Medium for Thermotoga neapolitana
中国微生物菌种查询网 / 2017-09-15 09:38:20

ATCC medium: 1658 MMS Medium for Thermotoga neapolitana 
NaCl..................................... . 6.93 g 
7H2O . MgSO4 .............................1.75 g 
MgCl2 . 6H2O .............................1.38 g 
KCl...................................... 0.16 g 
NaBr.................................... 25.0 mg 
H3BO3 .................................... 7.5 mg 
SrCl2  . 6H2O ............................. 3.8 mg 
KI....................................... 0.025 mg 
CaCl2 .................................... 0.38 g 
KH2PO4 ................................... 0.5 g 
Na2S . 9H2O .............................. 0.5 g 
(NH4)2Ni(SO4)2 ............................ 2.0 mg 
Wolfe's Mineral Solution (see below).... 15.0 ml 
Resazurin................................ 1.0 mg 
Starch................................... 5.0 g 
Distilled water to....................... 1.0 L 
Adjust final pH to 6.5 with H2SO4. Prepare anaerobically under 80% N2, 20% CO2. Autoclave. 
Wolfe's Mineral Solution: Available from ATCC as a sterile ready-to-use liquid (Trace Mineral Supplement, catalog no.MD-TMS.) 
Nitrilotriacetic acid.................... 1.5 g
MgSO4  . 7H2O ............................. 3.0 g 
MnSO4  . H2O .............................. 0.5 g 
NaCl..................................... 1.0 g 
FeSO4  . 7H2O ............................. 0.1 g 
CoCl2  . 6H2O ............................. 0.1 g 
CaCl2 .................................... 0.1 g 
ZnSO4  . 7H2O ............................. 0.1 g 
CuSO4  . 5H2O ............................. 0.01 g 
AlK(SO4)2  . 12H2O......................... 0.01 g 
H3BO3 .................................... 0.01 g 
Na2MoO4  . 2H2O............................ 0.01 g 
Distilled water.......................... 1.0 L 
 Add nitrilotriacetic acid to approximately 500 ml of water and adjust to pH 6.5 with KOH to dissolve the compound. Bring volume to 1.0 L with remaining water and add remaining compounds one at a time.

  • 上一篇:ATCC medium: 1344 Clostridium noterae medium
  • 下一篇:ATCC Medium: 2591 CYC Medium