ATCC medium: 847 Algal proteose agar
中国微生物菌种查询网 / 2017-09-18 09:55:05

ATCC medium: 847 Algal proteose agar 
Bristol's Solution (see below)..... 1.0 L 
Proteose Peptone (BD 211684)....... 1.0 g 
Agar.............................. 15.0 g 
Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
Bristol's.............................10.0 g 
NaNO3 CaCl2 .............................. 1.0 g 
MgSO4  . 7H2O ....................... 3.0 g 
K2HPO4 ............................. 3.0 g 
KH2PO4 ............................. 7.0 g 
NaCl............................... 1.0 g 
Prepare six stock solutions, each 400.0 ml in volume, and each containing one of the salts in the amount listed. Add 10.0 ml of each stock solution to 940.0 ml of distilled water. Add a drop of 1.0% FeCl3 solution.

  • 上一篇:ATCC medium: 305 Coprinus medium
  • 下一篇:ATCC medium: 706 M medium