ATCC medium: 706 M medium
中国微生物菌种查询网 / 2017-09-19 09:35:19

ATCC medium: 706 M medium 
Infuse 5.0 g of Beef (BD 213110) in 200.0 ml of distilled water by bringing to a rapid boil for 3-5 minutes, stirring constantly. 
Filter through Whatman #2V filter paper then add: 
Neopeptone, DIFCO (BD 211681)...... 4.0 g 
NaCl............................... 1.6 g 
KCl................................ 0.04 g 
CaCl2 .............................. 0.06 g 
Glucose............................ 0.5 g 
KH2PO4 ............................. 0.06 g 
Heat to boiling and restore volume to 200.0 ml. Adjust pH to 7.2 with 1 N NaOH. Filter through Whatman #2V filter paper. Autoclave for 20 minutes at 121C. Cool and aseptically add lysed rabbit blood solution (1:1 whole rabbit blood to sterile distilled water, frozen and thawed twice) to a final concentration of 20%.

  • 上一篇:ATCC medium: 847 Algal proteose agar
  • 下一篇:ATCC medium: 1029 LIT medium